Challenges I Have Encountered


This is what I learned and applied, both within and without school. For instance, in English 10, I researched listening types note taking techniques and also in all subject of course in ICT 10, I learned how to publish and post a blog.

I encountered several problems in the first quarter. The problem of memory resulted in poor retention and failure to recall. Lack of motivation often results in failure to begin learning or even retaining what already was known. Other subjects were confusing, and this annoyed me. Managing the study time as required was a big challenge because studying with other responsibilities distracted me from studying. External factors like noise lead to distraction.

To overcome those hurdles, I would ensure that I get enough sleep for memory consolidation. I'd set clear goals for myself and break tasks down into manageable bites that could be accomplished each day. Summarizing or teaching others what I learned will make me more engaging with the material as well. Finally, I would use a calendar or to-do list in prioritizing my work and try securing a quiet place for studies.

I would improve my skills about to the next quarter by focusing on some of the challenges that emanated on performing better than before. Good habits on study matters, skills towards managing my time effectively, and adequate care for myself would go a long way in improving my academic performance.




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